Stereo Vision and Applications
December 2012
have completed the design of our embedded (stereo and mono) camera
highly efficient FPGA onboard processing. In stereo mode, the whole
processing pipeline fits into entry level FPGA devices without
additional hardware requirements delivering accurate and dense depth map in real-time. The
imaging sensors, connected to the FPGA board with a standard
interface, provide color and monochrome images up to 60 fps.
The embedded camera has software API for:
- Windows 32 and 64 bit
- Linux 32 and 64 bit
- Linux ARM
- Mac
- Android
Further details and videos will be available soon.
If you are interested in this project for your applications feel free to contact me: 
This page provides an overview of the research activity concerned with stereo
vision and aimed at developing:
- Accurate and fast algorithms for dense stereo correspondence
- Accurate 3D sensing based on FPGAs and embedded devices
- the first prototype of a custom designed stereo camera with real-time
FPGA-based onboard processing is ready and under testing
- Computer vision applications that rely on dense depth measurements (e.g.
3D people tracking and counting, 3D change detection, etc)
- Accurate range sensing and fusion of 3D sensors data
If you are interested in
stereo vision, you might find interesting this recent seminar (updated Feb 17,
Stefano Mattoccia
"Stereo vision: algorithms and
applications" [
Università di Firenze, May 2012
If you have any questions feel free to
contact me:
Stefano Mattoccia at: 
If you are looking for rectified stereo sequences follow this
- Locally consistent ToF
and Stereo data fusion (CDC4CV 2012)
C. Dal Mutto, P. Zanuttigh, S. Mattoccia, G.
Cortelazzo, "Locally Consistent ToF and Stereo Data
2nd Workshop on Consumer Depth Cameras for
Computer Vision (CDC4CV2012), ECCV2012 Workshop, October 12, Firenze, Italy
[Pdf] [Supplementary Material] [Bibtex] [Results]
- Stereo vision and scene
segmentation (3DIMPVT 2011)
C. Dal Mutto, P. Zanuttigh, G. M.
Cortelazzo, S. Mattoccia, "Scene segmentation assisted by stereo
First joint 3DIM/3DPVT Conference on 3D Imaging, Modeling, Processing,
Visualization and Transmission (3DIMPVT 2011), May 16-19, 2011, Hangzhou, China [Pdf]
C. Dal Mutto, F. Dominio,
P. Zanuttigh, S. Mattoccia, Book title: "Current advancements in stereo
Chapter "Stereo
vision and scene segmentation", Edited by
Asim Bhatti, July 2012, ISBN 978-953-51-0660-9, Publisher: I-Tech
Education and Publishing Kirchengasse 43/3, A-1070, Vienna, Austria,
[Table of contents] [Pdf]
- Linear Stereo Matching
(ICCV 2011)
L. De-Maeztu, S.
Mattoccia, A. Villanueva, R. Cabeza, "Linear stereo matching",
International Conference on Computer
Vision (ICCV 2011), November 6-13, 2011, Barcelona, Spain
[Pdf][Supplementary Material][Bibtex]
Additional experimental results concerned with this paper are available
- A novel hetereogeneous
framework for stereo matching (IPVC 2011)
L. De-Maeztu, S.
Mattoccia, A. Villanueva, R. Cabeza, "A novel heterogeneous framework for stereo
International Conference on Image
Processing, Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (IPVC2011), July 18-21,
2011, Las Vegas, USA [Pdf] [Bibtex]
- Near real-time Fast
Bilateral Stereo on the GPU (ECVW 2011)
Additional experimental results concerned with this paper are available
S. Mattoccia, M.
Viti, F. Ries, "Near real-time Fast
Bilateral Stereo on the GPU"
7th IEEE Workshop on Embedded Computer
Vision (ECVW20011), CVPR Workshop, June 20, 2011, Colorado
Springs (CO), USA [Pdf] [Bibtex] Best Paper Award
- Accurate dense stereo
by constraining local consistency on superpixels (ICPR 2010)

Additional experimental results concerned with this paper are available
S. Mattoccia,
"Accurate dense stereo by constraining
local consistency on superpixels"
20th International Conference on Pattern
Recognition (ICPR2010), August 23-26, 2010, Istanbul, Turkey [Pdf]
- Fast locally consistent
dense stereo on multicore (ECVW 2010)

Additional experimental results concerned with this paper are available here
S. Mattoccia, "Fast locally consistent dense stereo on
Sixth IEEE Embedded Computer Vision
Workshop (ECVW2010), CVPR
workshop, June 13, 2010, San Francisco, USA [Pdf] [Supplemental][Bibtex]
- Improving the accuracy
of fast dense stereo correspondence algorithms by enforcing local
consistency of disparity fields (3DPVT 2010)

Additional experimental results concerned with this paper are available here
S. Mattoccia, "Improving the accuracy of fast dense stereo
correspondence algorithms by enforcing local consistency of disparity
3D Data Processing, Visualization and Transmission (3DPVT2010), May 17-20,
2010, Paris, France [Pdf] [Supplemental][Bibtex]
- A locally global
approach to stereo correspondence (3DIM 2009)
Additional experimental results concerned with the Locally
Consistent (LC) approach proposed in this paper are available here
Evaluation on the Middlebury dataset (algorithm "LocallyConsistent")
available here (link to evaluation)
A comparison with state-of-the-art local approaches is available here
Mattoccia, "A locally global approach to stereo
IEEE Workshop on 3D Digital Imaging and
Modeling (3DIM2009), October
3-4, 2009, Kyoto, Japan[Abstract][
] [Bibtex]
- Accurate and efficient
cost aggregation strategy for stereo correspondence based on approximated
joint bilateral filtering (ACCV 2009)

Additional experimental results concerned with the Fast
Bilateral Stereo (FBS) algorithm are available here
Evaluation on the Middlebury dataset (algorithm "FastBilteral") available here (link to evaluation)
A comparison with state-of-the-art local approaches is available here
S. Mattoccia, S. Giardino, A.
Gambini, "Accurate and efficient cost aggregation
strategy for stereo correspondence based on approximated joint bilateral
9th Asian Conference on Computer
Vision (ACCV2009), September 23- 27,
2009, Xi'an, China[
][Bibtex] [Software, updated
August 12th, 2010]
- Near real-time stereo
based on effective cost aggregation (ICPR 2008)

Additional experimental results are available here
Evaluation on the Middlebury [4] data set ("FastAggreg") is
available here (link to
F. Tombari, S. Mattoccia, L. Di
Stefano, E.
Addimanda,“Near real-time stereo based on effective cost
International Conference on Pattern
Recognition (ICPR 2008), December 8-11, 2008, Tampa, Florida, USA
] [Bibtex]
- Evaluation of cost
aggregation strategies for dense stereo matching (CVPR 2008)

Experimental (SAD, TAD, SSD, Original) are
available here
Software (Show Support) is available at the same location.
F. Tombari,S.
Mattoccia,L. Di Stefano, E. Addimanda, “Classification and evaluation of cost
aggregation methods for stereo correspondence"
IEEE International Conference
on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2008), June 24-26,
2008, Anchorage, Alaska [
] [Bibtex]
- Accurate stereo
matching based on scanline optimization and adaptive support (ACCV2007)
Preliminary results here
Evaluation on the Middlebury dataset here (algorithm "SO+borders")
available here (link to
Mattoccia, F. Tombari, L. Di
Stefano,“Stereo vision enabling precise border
localization within a scanline optimization
8th Asian Conference on Computer Vision
(ACCV 2007), November 18-22, Tokyo, Japan
- Segmentation-based
adaptive support for accurate stereo correspondence (PSIVT2007)

Experimental results available here
Evaluation on the Middlebury dataset (algorithm "Segment Support")
available here (link to evaluation)
Tombari, S. Mattoccia,L. Di
"Segmentation-based adaptive support for
accurate stereo
IEEE Pacific-Rim Symposium on
Image and Video Technology (PSIVT 2007), December 17-19, Santiago, Chile
] [Bibtex]
- Real-time stereo based on the uniqueness constraint
(IVC 2004) and applications (3D people tracking/counting, 3D change

Experimental results and applications concerned with the Single Matching
Phase (SMP) algorithm are availablehere
In the same page you may find also rectified stereo sequences and
disparity maps computed with the SMP algorithm.
L. Di Stefano, M. Marchionni, S. Mattoccia,
“A fast area-based stereo matching
Image and Vision Computing (IVC) 22(12), pp 983-1005, October 2004 [
] [Bibtex]