This page provides additional experimental results concerned with the
Fast Bilateral Stereo (FBS) approach proposed in:
S. Mattoccia, S. Giardino, A. Gambini, "Accurate and efficient cost aggregation strategy for stereo correspondence based on approximated joint bilateral filtering", Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV2009),
September 23- 27, 2009, Xi'an, China 
FBS algorithm has been recently mapped [12] on GPUs with CUDA.
Compared to the original CPU implementation, the GPU version of FBS on
a medium-class NVIDIA 460 GTX GPU, allows to obtain speed-ups
70X (i.e. 300 ms on Teddy and Cones) with equivalent results. On a high-end Tesla C2070 the measured speed-up is >
100X (i.e. 200 ms on Teddy and Cones)
. Additional experimental results are available
S. Mattoccia, M. Viti, F. Ries, "Near real-time Fast Bilateral Stereo on the GPU", Best Paper Award at 7th IEEE Workshop on Embedded Computer Vision (ECVW20011), CVPR Workshop, June 20, 2011, Colorado Springs (CO), USA 
FBS combines the effectiveness of
state-of-the-art cost aggregations strategies, that adapt their weights
to image content, with the efficiency of fast incremental
calculation schemes (i.e. integral images or box filtering) typically deployed by
conventional stereo matching algorithms (often referred to as
correlative approaches).
FBS computes the weights on a block basis and the matching cost on a point-basis;
this strategy enables, in both cases, to deploy efficient box-filtering (or
integral images) incremental calculation schemes.
block basis weight computation dramatically reduces the number
of operations and enables to increase robustness to noise.
Experimental results
show that FBS has an accuracy comparable to top performing
state-of-the-art cost
aggregation strategies (a complete evaluation of cost aggregation
strategies, including FBS, is available
Nevertheless, the execution time is significantly
reduced (you can evaluate the performance of the FBS algorithm
downloading the software implementation available below). Moreover, it
is noteworthy that the performance of FBS can be significantly improved
deploying the LC technique proposed in [11].
SOFTWAREThe implementation of the FBS algorithm for Linux and Windows (tested with
Linux Ubuntu 10.04 (32 bit) and Windows 7 (32 bit)) is available here: software (last update: August 12th, 2010). Please, read the README.txt file for further details. The code was written in C/C++ and requires (for reading, saving and displaying images) the open source OpenCV library (tested, on Linux and Windows, with version 2.1) available at:
you have any question feel free to contact me, Stefano Mattoccia, at: 
FBS vs AW, SS, SB, Rel, VW: experimental results on the Middlebury dataset [8]
The FBS approach has been evaluated on the Middlebury site and the results are available
here (FBS is referred to as
Moreover, FBS has been compared to state approaches according to the
CVPR2008 paper [9]; experimental results are available
here. Among state-of-the-art aprpoaches evaluated in [9], FBS is ranked 2nd (see
for details). Below are reported the supports extracted in the 6 points
defined in [9]. The FBS approach has also been deployed in conjunction
with the Locally Consistent (LC) technique [11] (see
here for details) ranking 1st according to the methodology described in the CVPR2008 paper [9].
are reported the disparity maps on the Middlebury dataset [7,8]
computed by
FBS and the 5 top performing cost aggregation strategies according to
[9]. For
Adaptive Weights (AW) [2],
Segment Support (SS) [3],
Segmentation Based (SB) [4],
Reliability (Rel) [5] and
Variable Windows (VW) [6] the disparity maps are concerned with the
original algorithms proposed by the authors (these disparity maps are
section "
Original"). For each algorithm the execution time, on the same
Intel Core
Duo 2.14 GHz processor, for the Teddy stereo pair is reported. For
Segmentation Based [4], differently by [9], we report here updated
and improved execution time.
Fast Bilateral Stereo 19(3) [1] - 32 seconds
Adaptive Weights [2] - 1221 seconds
Segment Support [3] - 2358 seconds
Segmentation Based [4] - 2 seconds
Reliability [5] - 803 seconds
Variable Windows [6] - 26 seconds
FBS vs AW: additional experimental results on the Middlebury 2006 Dataset [8,10]
this section we report additional experimental results concerned with FBS and our
implementation of AW [2] on the Middlebury 2006 Dataset
[8,10]. For both algorithms we deployed the optimal parameters found on
the previous dataset (i.e. Tsukuba, Venus, Teddy, Cones). From
left to right, we report: the reference image, the groundthtruth and
the disparity maps computed by FBS [1] and AW [2].
FBS: additional experimental results on the .enpeda.. dataset
this section we report additional experimental results concerned with the ..enpeda.. (Enviromental Perception and Driver Assistance) dataset available at: