Monthly Archive for May, 2011


Hi, and welcome to my home page. Here you can find my research interests and a summary of my experiences.



September ’15: 2 ICCV, 2 BMVC and 2 3DV papers accepted

August ’15: winner of a Google Faculty Research Award

January ’15: the code for the Maximal Self-Dissimilarity interest point detector has been released as a standalone project with Cmake and under the GNU GPL 3.0 license. Check out its github page to try it out.

October ’14: we just posted a new PCL tutorial on Hypothesis Verification for 3D Object Recognition: you can check it out here.

October ’14: Our paper on Maximal Self-Dissimilarities for interest point detection has been accepted as oral at ACCV’14 (acc. rate < 4%)

September ’14: I’ve been appointed Guest Professor at the CAMP Chair (Nassir Navab’s group), TUM University (Munich).

September ’14: Version 2.0 of the change detection algorithm robust to sudden illumination changes is available for download from this page. It now runs with OpenCV 2.4.2 (and higher) and VisualStudio 2010 (32/64 bit).



My research interests are focused on computer vision, machine learning and robotic perception. I also have a strong curiosity towards biologically-inspired models for visual perception. My fields of expertise are related to the following areas:

  • Invariant feature detection and description for 2D, 3D and RGB-D data
  • 2D/3D/RGB-D object recognition and categorization
  • stereo vision and 3D reconstruction
  • video analysis for surveillance and behavior analysis
  • pattern matching and robust visual correspondence

The applications of my research activity have so far been mainly in the field of robotics, industrial automation, augmented reality and video-surveillance. A (more or less) up-to-date list of research topics can be found here.



I received my B.Eng. and M.Eng. from University of Bologna, Italy, respectively in 2003 and 2005. From the same university I received my Ph.D in April 2009 with a dissertation on “Methodologies for visual correspondence”. Since 2013 I am an Assistant Professor (“RTD”) at Computer Vision Lab, DISI, University of Bologna. Since September 2014 I am also Guest Professor at the CAMP Chair (Nassir Navab’s group), TUM University (Munich).

I am a member of IEEE and IAPR-GIRPR. I am also a Senior Scientist volunteer for the Open Perception foundation and a developer for the Point Cloud Library (PCL). In summer 2008 I had a great internship period at Willow Garage, California (USA) under the supervision of Kurt Konolige, focusing on stereo algorithms for robots and accurate 3D reconstruction techniques based on stereo. During fall 2004 I spent one semester at UTS, Sydney (Australia) as an exchange student. Among others, I’ve had scientific collaborations with the Technical University of Vienna, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Willow Garage and the Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK).



Federico Tombari

Computer Vision Lab
DISIUniversity of Bologna
Viale Risorgimento, 2
40136 Bologna, Italy

Technische Universität München
Fakultät für Informatik, I-16
Boltzmannstr. 3
85748 Garching b. München, Germany

homepage at TUM

email: federico DOT tombari AT unibo DOT it


LAST UPDATE: November ’15

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